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      HMR trauma relief method

 HMR (Holographic Memory Resolution) is a type of energy psychology therapy that has been gaining attention in the United States. It is a unique trauma resolution method that integrates elements of memory recovery therapy, neuro-linguistic restructuring therapy, energy healing, and color therapy. By identifying the past events that caused the problem and the emotional shock that you experienced at that time without using hypnosis, and rewriting the memory, it releases the negative emotions that remain in your subconscious and affect your mind and body as energy.

When did I become like this? Why do I keep making the same mistakes in my relationships? Too much energy is consumed by worry and anxiety! I suffer from allergies and chronic illnesses. I want to quit smoking and cheating, but I can't. I tend to overeat or have anorexia. I have unpleasant memories that I can't forget. There is a type of person that I just can't get along with. I'm timid and can't assert myself well. I suffer from claustrophobia, social phobia, and panic disorder. I tend to have negative thoughts and imaginations. Many of these worries and things that you have given up on as just your personality or constitution are actually caused by emotional trauma. If you can release unnecessary trauma and reset your brain, you can start again toward a life full of possibilities.

In a private session, the HMR trauma release method provides you with energy support to relax you and make it easier to access your subconscious. You can use the whisperings of your own body as a guide to identify and release emotional blocks that exist in your subconscious beyond time and space, like a hologram.

  Bioenergy Healing


 By sending healing energy from higher dimensions, I can remove unnecessary and harmful energy that you have accumulated as an energy body or that you have taken in from others or the surrounding environment, and by raising your vibration, I can promote self-healing and lead you to awareness and awakening. Erico Rowe's Bioenergy Healing is a synthesis of various energy healing methods that I have learned over the past 20 years, including Bioenergy Healing by Mietek Wilks, Yi Ren Qigong by Dr. Guan-Chen Song, Healing Touch, Zenith Omega, and Sasquatch Healing. People may feel a strong infusion of energy, enter a trance state, or feel the presence of a higher dimensional helper. In some cases, you may fall into a deep relaxation state and fall into a deep sleep.

 Zenith Omega Vibrational Healing is a system of energy healing that utilizes the vibrational properties of light and color to release stored memories, emotions, patterns and trapped energy in the body, harmonizing the body, mind & spirit, and using specific colored light frequencies to illuminate and support you in addressing your mental, emotional and spiritual goals.

  Breath Awareness

Circulatory breathing

 Breath Awareness breathing is a simple and effective breathing technique developed to help people become aware of breathing patterns that reflect a person's emotional and physical health. The history of the therapeutic use of breath goes back to ancient times, such as the yoga tradition, but in the United States, psychiatrist and consciousness researcher Dr. Stanislav Grof revolutionized the concept of breathing in the 1960s when he developed holotropic breathing as a way to guide patients to an altered state of consciousness without the use of LSD. Since then, various modified breathing techniques have been created for different purposes. Breath Awareness breathing is one of them, and it is a breathwork session that involves continuous abdominal circular mouth breathing with the support of energy healing. Not only does it help release energy stuck in the mind and body, such as stress and trauma, but it can also bring new awareness and inspiration through a light altered state of consciousness, leading to out-of-body experiences and other-dimensional experiences.

 Mindfulness Meditation Methods

 Meditation lessons tailored to your individual needs and goals, including mental and physical stability, health promotion, healing, psychic development, spiritual training, channeling, astral travel, etc. We will introduce you to a variety of meditation techniques, including mindfulness, Qigong meditation, Tibetan esoteric meditation, Sufi meditation, dream yoga, walking meditation, guided meditation, and scientifically proven meditation techniques that can quickly bring you to an altered state of consciousness.

            Yi Ren Qigong

 It is a Qi Gong technique that uses gentle Do-in exercises and meditation to improve the flow of inner energy and invite awareness of and strengthen the mind-body connection. The health benefits of Qi Gong have been demonstrated in numerous scientific studies and are recognized by mainstream health organizations such as the National Institutes of Health and Harvard Medical School.

Developed by Dr. Guan Cheng Sun, a molecular genetics research scientist and Taoist Qigong master, Yi Ren Qigong is a unique Qigong technique that combines tradition and science to enhance self-healing, cultivate intuition, spiritual insight and creativity.

The human body has several major energy centers and a bioenergetic information highway system that runs along the spinal cord, connecting the brain, organs, and endocrine glands. This highway system has been called meridians in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Dr. Sun calls them the human bioenergetic information highway system. By activating and strengthening this system, we develop our ability to feel and sense our own bioenergetic flow, helping us to better manage our energy flow and allowing us to have healthier relationships with others and our environment.

Self-defense techniques from other people's negative energy, emotions and thoughts, extensive exercises to build your bio-energy immune system, Doin-ho to cut ties and erase karma, meditation to connect with the universe and higher dimensional beings, etc. Highly recommended for empaths, highly sensitive people, health care and healing professionals, teachers and others who work around people.

 Wellness & Success Coaching

The latest alternative therapies gaining attention in the United States, replacing traditional therapies

As a journalist for many years,

She is also an energy healer, Qigong instructor,

I have accumulated experience as a facilitator of trauma resolution.

We will share the information and techniques we have learned from modern medicine.

People who have physical and mental problems and want to live long, healthy lives without relying on medication

Those who wish to achieve longevity, those who wish to improve interpersonal relationships,

Improve your brain health, improve your performance and reduce stress and trauma in your children

We provide consultations for those who want to protect themselves from the virus, and gather information and provide

Introducing sessions with national healers and channelers,

We also provide interpretation for negotiations and sessions.


Tibetan Mantra Healing

 Mantra is a Sanskrit word that means "to free the mind from suffering and illness." It is a sound healing and vibration therapy that has been practiced as a healing tool in many traditional societies since ancient times.

In addition to religious prayer mantras, Tibetan mantras also have mantras that are specialized for healing, and have been prescribed for the purpose of healing injuries and illnesses as well as for spiritual healing. I learned the method of healing using mantras from Dr. Nida Chenatsang of Tibet, a traditional Tibetan physician and lay yogi of Tibetan medical esotericism, and received permission to use it through transmission. Dr. Chenatsang also uses mantras in clinical practice, and has been successful in healing a variety of physical and mental disorders, including healing injuries, treating kidney stones, tumors, and improving fertility.

   Remote Viewing

 Psychokinesis Psychic Ability Development

Learn the basics of Controlled Remote Viewing (CRV), a method of viewing that was developed by the CIA and the US military and used effectively in intelligence activities. We will share the techniques that we learned directly from Lynn Buchanan, a former US Army intelligence officer who served in the Special Forces using CRV for intelligence in actual combat.

Psychokinesis is the supernatural ability to affect matter with the power of the mind, or telekinesis. In this course, you will try spoon bending, which uses energy from the universe to temporarily change the properties of matter, and the Psi Wheel, which has been used to test and train psychokinesis abilities.

It is also possible to train in the development of psychic abilities such as precognition, telepathy, and the ability to make dreams come true through the power of consciousness.

   HeartMath AdHeart 

 HeartMath's Adhaad is a breathing meditation technique that optimizes the brain by regulating the rhythm of the heartbeat. Adjusting the heartbeat rhythm gives the heart a green light, optimizing brain function and supporting brain activity that is important for memory, concentration, decision-making, and other mental functions. In face-to-face sessions, we use the Inner Balance Trainer, a biofeedback device developed by the HeartMath Institute, a US research institute specializing in the relationship between the heart and the brain, to check the rhythm of the heartbeat in real time.

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